*All abstracts for both the in-person and virtual posters can be also found
on the UIFCW 2023 Abstracts page >>
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Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop
A UFS Collaboration Powered by EPIC
Monday, July 24, 2023 – Friday, July 28, 2023
Boulder, CO & Online
This summer, the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) and the Unified Forecast System (UFS) will deliver a five-day Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop (UIFCW). Throughout the week, attendees will have the opportunity to present their research, learn about updates to the UFS, share challenges and successes related to UFS contributions, and voice their thoughts on where the future will take us from here. The workshop’s goal is to engage the greater Weather Enterprise in the ongoing effort to accelerate contributions to the Unified Forecast System. The theme for this year’s workshop is Innovation and Community.
UIFCW 2023 Has Concluded: A Sincere Thank You to All Participants, Volunteers, Presenters, and Supporters
On behalf of the entire organizing committee, we extend our gratitude to everyone who made the Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop (UIFCW) 2023 a success.
A special acknowledgment goes to all those who volunteered their time and energy in planning and executing the event. Your dedication and hard work were instrumental in creating a seamless experience for all participants.
To those who attended in person or joined us over the internet, we appreciate your participation and enthusiasm. Your presence and engagement contributed to the discussions and exchanges that took place.
We are particularly grateful to all the presenters, speakers, and individuals who submitted posters. Your valuable insights and expertise truly elevated the content and discourse of the workshop. Without your contributions, UIFCW 2023 could not have been the success it was. The information and ideas shared have set new benchmarks and have paved the way for future collaborations and innovations. We look forward to building upon this momentum and hope to see you all at UIFCW 2024.
Once again, thank you for being part of UIFCW 2023!
July 24-28th live stream/chat channels: Live Stream Center Bay | Live Stream North Bay | Live Stream South Bay
*All times Mountain Daylight Time
Workshop Schedule
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
July 24, 2023
12:00 pm | Registration
1:00 pm | Welcome & Kickoff
MC | Gillian Petro - Technical Writer, EPIC/STC (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
1:15 pm | Opening Remarks by Dr. Michael Morgan, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction
Speaker | Dr. Michael Morgan - Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction, NOAA (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
1:30 pm | Remarks from Dorothy Koch, Weather Program Office (WPO) Director, and Stephan Smith, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Integration (OSTI)
Speakers |
Dr. Dorothy Koch - Director of the Weather Program Office, NOAA/OAR/WPO (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Stephan Smith - Director of the Office of Science and Technology Integration, NOAA/NWS/OSTI (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
2:00 pm | Overview: State of the Science of UFS
Description | This session provides an overview of the state of UFS science.
Speakers |
Dr. Jim Kinter - Director of the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) & Professor of Climate Dynamics, George Mason University (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Vijay Tallapragada - Senior Scientist (ST), NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
Jeffrey S. Whitaker - Meteorologist, NOAA/OAR/ESRL/PSL
2:30 pm | Why UFS? Using UFS as a Teaching Tool in Academia
Description | This session will focus on UFS as a teaching tool, including use cases and needs.
Speaker | Sarah Lu - Research scientist, University at Albany - SUNY & JCSDA (presentation slides: PPT )
3:00 pm | Partnerships: How to Expand Our Community
Description | This session will discuss the need for partnerships, strategies to create partnerships, and expanding the community.
Speaker | Tamara Battle - Policy & Partnerships Lead, NOAA/OAR/WPO (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
3:30 pm | BREAK
4:00 pm | Inclusion in Community Modeling Followed by a Panel Discussion on the Importance and Need for Diversity & Inclusion (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Description | Leaders from EPIC, the UFS, and UFS-R2O will give a talk on community modeling followed by a panel discussion on the importance and need for diversity and inclusion in community modeling.
Speaker | Dr. Neil Jacobs - Chief Science Advisor for the Unified Forecast System (UFS), UCAR
Moderated by | Dr. Maoyi Huang - EPIC Program Manager, NOAA/OAR/WPO
Panelists |
Dr. DaNa Carlis, PMP - Director of the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL), NOAA/OAR/ESRL/NSSL
Dr. Sen Chiao - Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Howard University and Director of the NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (NCAS-M), NOAA/NCAS-M
Dr. Michael Farrar - Director of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA/NWS/NCEP
Dr. Shakila Merchant, PMP - Director of CUNY HIRES and Deputy Director of the CUNY CREST Institute; Deputy Director of NOAA CESSRST
Bill Parker - Meteorologist-in-Charge (Jackson, MS WFO), NOAA/NWS
5:30 pm | Welcome Event for New WINGS Dissertation Fellows
Description | A welcome session for all new WINGS Dissertation Fellows. During this time, WINGS fellows will present their projects and network to find mentors. (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
6:20 pm | Adjourn
7:00 pm | Networking Dinner at Avanti Food & Beverage Boulder 1401 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO
July 25, 2023
8:00 pm | Registration
9:00 am | Welcome and Kickoff
MC | Alekya Srinivasan - William M. Lapenta Intern, EPIC (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
9:05 am | Parallel Sessions with Updates on & Challenges of UFS Applications
Description | We will hold three concurrent sessions that will highlight updates on the Short-Range Weather Application/Rapid Refresh Forecast System, Medium-Range/Sub-Seasonal Weather Application, and Hurricane Application. Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present their research on their respective subject. If you are interested in submitting your work, please see our submission guidelines.
Short-Range Weather Application and Rapid Refresh Forecast System
Short-range weather includes atmospheric behavior from less than an hour to several days. See more information on the UFS Configuration and current developments.
Speakers | Short-Range Weather Application and Rapid Refresh Forecast System
Matthew E. Pyle - The Current State of NOAA's Rapid Refresh Forecast System (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Israel Jirak - Evaluation of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System During the 2023 HWT Spring Forecasting Experiment (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Louis Wicker - Assessment of Convective-Scale Attributes of the FV3 Dycore Using Idealized Simulations (presentation slides: PDF)
Yue Yang - The Role of Convective-Scale Static Background Error Covariance in FV3-LAM-Based Hybrid EnVar for Direct Radar Reflectivity Data Assimilation Over the CONUS (presentation slides: PDF)
Terra Ladwig - Recent Collaborative Development of the Three-Dimensional Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (3DRTMA) Using the Short-Range Weather Application (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Malaquias Pena - Towards Consistent Wind-Wave-Current Analysis Products in the 3DRTMA (presentation slides: PDF)
Adam Clark - Evaluations of Three Regional MPAS Configurations for Severe Weather Forecasting Applications During the 2023 NOAA/Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Forecasting Experiment (presentation slides: PDF)
Curtis Alexander - The Rapid Refresh Forecast System: Looking Beyond the First Operational Version (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Medium-Range Weather and Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Applications
Medium-range weather includes atmospheric behavior out to about two weeks, while sub-seasonal to seasonal includes atmospheric and ocean behavior from about two weeks to about one year. See more information about the UFS Configuration and current developments.
Speakers | Medium-Range Weather and Subseasonal to Seasonal Applications
Jessica Meixner - Overview of the Next Global Forecast System GFSv17 (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Lydia Stefanova - Evaluation of High Resolution Prototypes for the Next Global Forecast System GFSv17 (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Lisa Bengtsson - Improving the Representation of Tropical Variability and Its Large-Scale Teleconnections in NOAA's Unified Forecast System (presentation slides: PDF)
Maria Gehne - Convectively Coupled Equatorial Wave Skill in the Unified Forecast System (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Benjamin Cash - Wintertime Diabatic Heating Biases in UFS Prototype-P8 (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Guo-Yuan Lien - The Operational Use and Local Development of the UFS MRW-GSI System at the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Yuejian Zhu - Introduce the Next Global Ensemble Forecast System for Weather, Subseasonal, and Monthly Predictions (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Zhaoxia Pu - Developing a Strongly Coupled Land-Atmosphere Data Assimilation for the UFS With JEDI
Rahul Mahajan - Demystifying NCEP’s Global Workflow [GFS] (presentation slides: PDF)
Austin Coleman - Better Use of Ensembles in Operations Through Clustering and Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
The Hurricane Application forecasts hurricane track, intensity, and related effects out to about one week. See more information about the UFS Configuration and current development.
Speakers | Hurricanes
Zhan Zhang - Operational Implementation of NOAA’s Next-Generation Hurricane Prediction System: Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFSv1) (presentation slides: PDF)
Jonathan Martinez - The National Hurricane Center Model Evaluation Process for the Operational Implementation of the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System Version 1 (HAFSv1) Models (presentation slides: PDF)
Kun Gao - Improving Hurricane Track Prediction in a Large-Domain High-Resolution Model (presentation slides: PDF)
Kathryn Newman - Evaluation of UFS Tropical Cyclone Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts Across Physics Suites and Applications (presentation slides: PDF)
Hyun-sook Kim - Progress of Development of HAFS-MOM6 Coupling and Preliminary Hurricane Forecast Results (presentation slides: PDF)
Xu Lu - Simultaneous Multiscale 4DEnVar With Scale-Dependent Localization (SDL) in HAFS for Hurricane Predictions (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Jon Poterjoy - HAFS as a Testbed for non-Gaussian Data Assimilation Developments for the UFS (presentation slides: PDF)
Xuejin Zhang - Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System Development: Future Priorities (presentation slides: PDF)
10:30 am | BREAK
11:00 am | Continuation of Parallel Sessions with Updates on & Challenges of UFS Applications
11:35 am | Q & A for Parallel Sessions with Updates on UFS Applications
12:00 pm | LUNCH
1:00 pm | Community Discussion: Insights from Industry and Academia
Description | Professors and industry professionals will present on the area(s) in which they encountered the greatest barriers to success using different UFS applications.
Speakers |
Luke Peffers - Chief Scientific Officer, Tomorrow.io (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Xuguang Wang - Robert Lowry Chair Professor and Presidential Research Professor, University of Oklahoma (presentation slides: PDF)
2:00 pm | Panel Discussion on Use Cases & Needs of UFS Applications by New Professionals, Professors & Industry
Description | Experts will respond to each use case presentation and develop solutions for how the presenters can overcome their barriers.
Moderated by | Dr. Ligia Bernardet - Chief of Earth Prediction Advancement Division, NOAA/ESRL/GSL/DTC
Speakers |
Sarah Lu - Research scientist, University at Albany - SUNY and JCSDA (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Christiane Jablonowski - Professor, University of Michigan
Dr. Shih-Wei Wei - Postdoctoral fellow, University of Albany and JCSDA (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
3:00 pm | BREAK
3:15 pm | Parallel Sessions with Cross-Cutting Concepts
Description | Three concurrent sessions will highlight research on concepts that apply across numerical weather prediction systems.
Cross-Cutting Concepts #1 - Physics, Verification, and Validation
Presentations will feature cutting-edge research on topics such as scale-aware physics, land physics, verification, and validation, which impact multiple applications.
Speakers | Cross-Cutting Concepts #1 - Physics, Verification, and Validation
Zhuo Wang - Evaluation and Process-Oriented Diagnosis of the GEFSv12 Reforecasts (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Sarah Lu - Integrating JEDI and METplus for Evaluation of Atmospheric Composition Forecasts (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dustin Swales - Hierarchical Physics Development With the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Single Column Model (SCM) (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Weiwei Li - DTC Contributions to the UFS Physics Development and Advanced Testing and Evaluation Towards UFS Physics Unification (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Jian-Wen Bao - Developing Next-Generation Physics for UFS Applications: The Microphysics Parameterization Challenges (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Songyou Hong - A New Double-Moment Cloud Microphysics Parameterization Scheme for the UFS (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Cenlin He - Improving Snow Cover Modeling in the UFS/Noah-MP Land Component (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Cross-Cutting Concepts #2 - System Architecture
Presentations will feature cutting-edge research on system architecture-related topics that impact multiple applications.
Speakers | Cross-Cutting Concepts #2 - System Architecture
Edward Hartnett - Better Compression for UFS With Support from the NetCDF Community (presentation slides: PDF)
Oliver Elbert - Pace: A GPU-enabled Implementation of FV3GFS Using GT4Py (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Tom Auligné - JCSDA Next-Generation Earth System Data Assimilation for the UFS (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Arun Chawla - Model Infrastructure Development in UFS Weather Model (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Yongming Wang - Simultaneous Multiscale Data Assimilation to Improve Convective-Scale Forecasts Over the Continental US (CONUS) (presentation slides: PDF)
Christina Holt - Unifying Workflows for UFS Applications (presentation slides: PDF)
Cross-Cutting Concepts #3 - Dynamics and Nesting
Presentations will feature cutting-edge research on topics such as dynamics and nesting, which impact multiple applications.
Speakers | Cross-Cutting Concepts #3 - Dynamics and Nesting
Lucas Harris - The Worldwide, Federated FV3 Community (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Paul Ullrich - Forecasting and Hindcasting Capabilities in the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM) Model (presentation slides: PDF)
Ping Zhu - A Scale-Aware Three-Dimensional TKE Turbulent Mixing Parameterization for the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Jim Purser - The Motivation, Specification, and Optimization of the Extended Schmidt Gnomonic (ESG) Grid for Limited-Area Applications (presentation slides: PDF)
Joseph Mouallem - Novel Grid Capabilities in GFDL’s Dynamical Core FV3 (presentation slides: PDF)
William Ramstrom - Moving Nest Features for HAFS (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
4:45 pm | BREAK
5:00 pm | Joint Q & A for Parallel Sessions with Cross-Cutting Concepts
5:30 pm | Adjourn
July 26, 2023
8:00 pm | Registration
9:00 am | Welcome and Kickoff
MC | Dr. Tracy Fanara - Coastal Modeling Portfolio Manager, NOAA/NOS/IOOS (presentation slides: PPT)
9:30 am | Roundtable Discussion on Community Modeling
**This will not be livestreamed or recorded**
Description | This session provides an opportunity for an interactive discussion between all stakeholder groups interested in community modeling. During the event, groups rotate through 3 topics to discuss a variety of challenges/barriers in community modeling and to brainstorm ideas on how to address these challenges. The following 6 questions that will be discussed during the roundtable include:
- How can we diversify and incentivize participation across sectors, disciplines, and demographics in the UFS, including early career individuals?
- How can we overcome challenges with rapid code releases and various code management policies and practices across the UFS?
- How can the community better communicate the value of its code contributions and innovations? What metrics should we be using?
- How can we enhance knowledge transfer and collaboration across UFS contributors? What mechanisms should we use to accelerate R2O?
- What are the biggest science challenges we should be working on as a UFS community?
- What are the primary ways (use, develop, analyze, forecast/postprocess, validate/verify) you and your colleagues would like to work with the UFS?
The goal: To build and develop new relationships that span beyond key stakeholders based on shared interests in community modeling. The session will have multiple tables (one topic per table) that participants will rotate through to share ideas during three separate interactive discussion periods over a 90-minute period.
Speakers |
Dr. John Ten Hoeve - NOAA (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Jennifer Vogt - EPIC/Cherokee Nation
11:00 am | BREAK
11:30 am | Open Discussion: Roadblocks
Description | Contributors to the UFS will identify and discuss what they see as roadblocks to the UFS. Debrief findings of the roundtable discussion on community modeling and highlight how these findings will be addressed in the future.
12:00 pm | LUNCH
1:00 pm | Social & Behavioral Science Professional Talk
Description | A social and behavioral sciences professional will speak about integrating these fields into the greater Weather Enterprise.
Speakers |
Dr. Valerie Were - Social and Behavioral Science Program Analyst, CIRA & NWS (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Leticia Williams - Program Manager, NWS/OSTI
1:30 pm | EPIC Support for the UFS
Description | An EPIC team member will demonstrate how EPIC supports the UFS. (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Speakers | David Huber - EPIC Sr Systems Engineer & Application Development Team Product Owner, Redline Performance Solutions, LLC
2:15 pm | EPIC Infrastructure Update
Description | An EPIC team member will provide an EPIC infrastructure update.
Speakers | Keven Blackman - EPIC Contract Chief Engineer, Raytheon (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
3:00 pm | BREAK
3:30 pm | Panel Discussion on JCSDA, EPIC, and Community DA Development
Description | Each collaborating data assimilation (DA) institution (i.e., JCSDA, EPIC, PSL, and EMC) will summarize their role in the development of DA; presentations will touch on infrastructure, science, and community support and will be followed by a Q&A. (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Moderated by | Krishna Kumar - EPIC Program Coordinator & Senior Program Scientist, EPIC/NOAA/OAR/WPO
Panelists |
Dr. Thomas Auligne - Director, JCSDA
Dr. Sergey Frolov - Reanalysis and Data Assimilation Team Lead, NOAA/OAR/ESRL/PSL
Dr. Maoyi Huang - EPIC Program Manager, NOAA/OAR/WPO
Dr. Neil Jacobs - Chief Science Advisor for the Unified Forecast System (UFS), UCAR
Daryl Kleist - Supervisory Physical Scientist, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
Dr. Hendrik Tolman - Senior Advisor for Advanced Modeling Systems, NOAA/NWS/OSTI
4:15 pm | Data Management, Optimization, Compression
Description | The scientific community targets the data assimilation of petabytes of observations for the development of machine learning models or model components, thereby transforming weather and climate prediction from a physics problem into a data problem. In this session, we welcome a presentation on the infrastructure necessary for improved data management, optimization, compression, versioning, licensing, and seamless access, which will enable scientific innovation.
Speaker | Milan Klöwer - Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (presentation slides: PDF)
5:00 pm | Poster Session
Description | Posters and their authors will be arranged in a gallery style walk-through in the main lobby. Conference participants are invited to meet and discuss science topics at length with authors.
This poster session will be hybrid, so there will be two ways in which we conduct it. If you are present in person, you will walk along the catwalk and engage with our in-person presenters as you would at any other poster session. If you are attending virtually, you will make your way to the #virtual-posters slack channel and find all of the posters there.
Abstracts for both the in-person and virtual posters can be also found on the UIFCW 2023 Abstracts page >>
Speakers | A to I
Ronnie Abolafia-Rosenzweig - Evaluating and Enhancing the Snow Compaction Process in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
Michael Barlage - Enhancing Community UFS Land Model Development Through Advancing Land Component and Land Data Assimilation Capabilities
Alan Brammer - Utilizing Machine Learning Methods for Objective Tropical Cyclogenesis Classification in Numerical Weather Prediction Forecasts
Albert Cerrone - Propagating Meteorological Forecast Uncertainty Through a High-Fidelity Hydrodynamics Framework for Hurricane-Induced Storm Surge Prediction: Hurricane Ian (2022) Case Study
Xiaomin Chen - A Framework for Simulating Hurricane Boundary Layers Using Large-Eddy Simulation and Its Use in Developing PBL Parameterizations for NOAA’s Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System
Adam Clark - Extended Range Machine-Learning Severe Weather Guidance Based on the Operational GFS
Paul Dirmeyer - Evaluation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Processes and Climatological Bias in the UFS Global Coupled Model
Stefan Gary - Building Blocks for Workflows Orchestrating Message Passing Interface Simulations
Nicholas Gasperoni - Evaluating the Multiscale Implementation of Valid Time Shifting for a Convective-Scale FV3-LAM EnVar System During the 2022 Hazardous Weather Testbed
Guoqing Ge - A Quick Interface for Nesting Gigantic Data Within Git Repositories
Jose M. Gonzalez-Ondina - Sailfish: A ROMS-Compatible, Ocean Numerical Model for the GPU
Benjamin W. Green - Impact of Changing Atmospheric Physics Schemes in Subseasonal-Length Coupled UFS Simulations
Hong Guan - The GEFS Reforecasts to Support Subseasonal and Hydrometeorological Applications
Andrew Hazelton - Evaluation and Improvement of NOAA’s Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)
Wei Huang - Digitalizing Atmospheric Systems
Johnna M. Infanti - Generating a Flexible Verification System for Precipitation by Assessing Precipitation Skill in the Unified Forecast System (UFS) and North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) via Model Evaluation Tools (METplus)
Speakers | J to O
Tara Jensen - METplus: The Long and Winding Road to Unified Verification
Jong Kim - Agile DevOps Processes of Continuous Integration and Deployment for UFS System Development
Kenta Kurosawa - Augmented Global Background Perturbations for Mitigating Sampling Errors for Regional Applications of the UFS
Walter Kolczynski - Recent Improvements and Near Future of NCEP’s Global Workflow
Xu Lu - Assimilating GOES-16 All-Sky ABI Radiances With the HAFS Dual-Resolution EnVar DA System for Hurricane Predictions
Xu Lu - Improving the Background Ensemble Covariance at the Air-Sea Interface for the Fully Coupled Data Assimilation System in HAFS
Quang-Hung Luu - An Innovative Approach to Verify Ocean Models and Tools
Jessica Meixner - Waves in the Unified Forecast System
Panagiotis Mitsopoulos - Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Resource Characterization Using the Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA)
Saeed Moghimi - Developing the NOAA National Ocean Service Coastal Ocean Models Coupling Infrastructure
Gian Navarra - Using Deep Learning to Forecast Marine Ecosystems
James Nelson - The Weather Prediction Center Development and Training Branch: R2O Activities Within the Hydrometeorological Testbed (HMT)
Speakers | P to S
Linlin Pan - Impacts of Different Physics Schemes on Hurricane Forecasts
Rajendra Panda - Cloud-Based Workflows for RRFS and 3DRTMA
Hari Ome Kumar Pandey - Nowcasting Weather Forecast Setup at Met Simulation
Jun Park - Radar Data Assimilation With JEDI Research Coupled With the UFS SRW App Targeting the Rapid Refresh Forecast System
Aaron Pratt - Joint Technology Transfer Initiative: Building a Bridge Between the Weather Research and Operational Communities
James Purser - Geometric Approaches for Adaptive Domain Decomposition With an Application to the Estimation of the Variance of Analysis Error
Sulagna Ray - Improvements in Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Forecasts in Prototype 8 Compared to CFSv2
Johana Romero - High-Resolution Simulation of Smoke Transport Within NOAA’s Rapid-Refresh Forecasting System: Verification of the Smoke 3D Distribution Using Aircraft Measurements
Daniel Rosen - The Earth System Modeling Executable (ESMX): A Tool for Building and Testing NUOPC-Based Coupled Earth System Modeling Applications
Kathryn Sellwood - Optimizing the Use of Small Uncrewed Aircraft Observations in NOAA’s Next-Generation Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)
Christopher Spells - Management and Contributions of Supplemental Projects to the Advancement of the Unified Forecast System
Speakers | T to Z
Yi-Cheng Teng - The Hierarchical Testing Framework for the Unified Forecast System (UFS): UFS Offline Land DA System Example
Hongli Wang - Variational Assimilation of Surface Particulate Matter Observations in the Experimental Rapid Refresh Forecast System Coupled With Smoke and Dust Model
Weiguo Wang - HAFSv1 Physics Schemes and Future Plans
Brandon Wolding - Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Energetics of Shallow and Deep Tropical Convection Discharge-Recharge Cycles in the UFS
George Xue - A Novel Dynamically Coupled Land-River-Ocean Modeling Suite for Hurricane-Induced Compound Flooding
Xiaoyan Zhang - Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation in NOAA’s Next-Generation Regional Model - Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS)
July 27, 2023
8:00 pm | Registration
9:00 am | Welcome and Kickoff
MC | Claudia Womble - EPIC Contracting Officer Representative (COR), NOAA/OAR/WPO/EPIC (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
9:15 am | Unified Model Practices
Description | This talk provides an overview of the model development process used for Unified Modeling. This information can inform our own UFS model development process and contribute to establishing best practices for UFS development.
Speaker | Dr. David Walters - Scientific Strategic Head of Research to Operations, UK Met Office (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
9:45 am | Research to Operations (R2O) and Operations to Research (O2R) Process With Q&A
Description | This presentation will discuss the R2O2R process with a particular focus on stages and gates and perspectives from testbeds. A Q & A will follow the presentation.
Speakers |
Keven Blackman - EPIC Contract Chief Engineer, Raytheon (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Andrea J. Ray - Physical Scientist, NOAA/OAR/ESRL/PSL, Hydrometeorological Testbed, & TBPGCC Chair (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Hendrik Tolman - Senior Advisor for Advanced Modeling Systems, NOAA/NWS/OSTI (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
11:00 am | BREAK
11:30 am | Keynote: Seeking Portability and Productivity for Numerical Weather Prediction Model Code
Description | Achieving hardware-specific implementation and optimization while maintaining productivity in an increasingly diverse environment of supercomputing architectures is challenging and requires rethinking traditional numerical weather prediction model programming designs. We provide insights into the ongoing porting and development of ECMWF’s non-hydrostatic FVM atmospheric dynamical core option in Python with the domain-specific library GT4Py. The presentation highlights the GT4Py approach for implementing weather and climate models, shows preliminary high-performance computing results on CPUs and GPUs for FVM and other ECMWF relevant codes, and outlines the roadmap for the overall model porting project with partners at CSCS and ETH Zurich.
Speaker | Dr. Christian Kühnlein - Senior Scientist in the Earth System Modelling Section, ECMWF (presentation slides: PDF)
12:00 pm | LUNCH
1:00 pm | Panel Discussion on Open Computing & Shaping the Future of Computing for Modeling
Description | The idea of open-modeling thrives and requires open-computing, which spans along different sectors including silicon industry, computing providers, ecosystem developers and others. To shape the future of computing that enables kilometer scale ensemble-based global modeling, the multidisciplinary cross industry collaboration between software, silicon, system manufacturers, cloud providers, academia are required. This session/panel invites collaborators to discuss their thoughts/insight on any innovative/emerging technologies (in silicon, software, systems) that enables extending the reach of open computing and/or helps shaping future of computing for modeling.
Moderated by | Keven Blackman - EPIC Contract Chief Engineer, Raytheon and Iman Gohari- Ph.D. Sr. Software Engineer, Intel (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Panelists |
Tim Carroll - Portfolio Lead for Weather Climate, Microsoft Corporation (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Stefan Gary - Senior Application Engineer and Computational Scientist, Parallel Works (presentation slides: PDF)
2:00 pm | BREAK
2:15 pm | Parallel Sessions with Emerging Applications
Description | With an eye towards the future, this session will feature presentations about cutting-edge research towards the development, testing, and evaluation of upcoming UFS applications, including coastal, marine, space weather, and air quality applications.
Speaker | Emerging Applications 1 - Coastal and Marine
Travis Sluka - JEDI-Based Data Assimilation for the UFS Marine Components (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Christopher Cox - UFS-Arctic: A Pan-Arctic Regional Application of the UFS (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Panagiotis Velissariou - Development of the Next-Generation UFS Coastal Modeling Framework (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Joannes J. Westerink - Incorporating Thermohaline Circulation and Hydrology into Global STOFS 2D+, NOAA’s Fast Integrated Multi-Scale Multi-Process Operational Water Level Model (presentation slides: PDF)
Speaker | Emerging Applications 2 - Space Weather
Fabrizio Sassi - A Whole Earth System View for Heliophysics: A NASA/Goddard View (presentation slides: PDF)
Kevin Viner - The Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) Application of NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Hanli Liu - Development of WACCM-X as the SIMA Geospace Component (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Jonathan L Vigh - Going Beyond the Terrestrial: Space Weather Verification Using METplus (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Speaker | Emerging Applications 3 - Air Quality
Ravan Ahmadov - Simulating Radiative Effect of Smoke and Dust Aerosols Using NOAA's Next-Generation Storm-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction Model (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Jianping Huang - Enhancing Wildfire Predictions With the UFS-AQM Online Prediction System: A Case Study of Alberta Fires (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Bo Huang - Extending the JEDI-Based Global Aerosol Assimilation System to Improve Aerosol Prediction in the Unified Forecast System (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Barry Baker - Development of the Configurable ATmospheric Chemistry (CATChem) Model and Its Application Within the Unified Forecast System Forming a Unified UFS-Chem (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Lori Bruhwiler - Towards a State-of-the-Art Greenhouse Gas Data Assimilation/Flux Inversion Modeling System (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
3:15 pm | BREAK
3:30 pm | UFS as a Decision Tool: A Private Industry Perspective
Description | This session will showcase perspectives of private industry professionals who use the UFS as a decision tool for their business objectives.
Speaker |
Luke Peffers - Chief Scientific Officer, Tomorrow.io (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Shuxia Zhang - HPC Application Engineer, Engelhart Commodity Trading Partner (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Dr. Stefan Gary - Senior Application Engineer and Computational Scientist, Parallel Works (presentation slides: PDF)
4:00 pm | Emerging Technologies: AI
Description | Science community members will present on emerging technologies in artificial intelligence.
Speaker | Emerging Technologies: AI
Jared Goldman - Hybrid AI for Multiscale Wildfire Risk Assessment and Mitigation (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Miodrag Rancic - Application of ML/AI for Calibration of Parameters of the Multigrid Beta Filter (MGBF) and its Performance Within the Three-Dimensional Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (3D RTMA) Project (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
4:30 pm | Emerging Technologies: Cloud Computing
Description | Science community members will present on emerging technologies in cloud computing.
Speaker | Emerging Technologies: Cloud Computing
Alexander J.W. Richert - Spack-stack: A reproducible, many-platform software stack for operational weather applications (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Sergey Frolov - Augmenting Covariance Operators With Machine Learning: Generating Dedicated Datasets in the Cloud and a Prototype Model (presentation slides: PDF)
5:00 pm | Science Spotlight on Hierarchical System Development
Description | The Hierarchical System Development (HSD) approach captures steps for contributing innovations to the UFS from WPO-funded projects, NOAA labs, and the community in general.
Speaker | Dr. Michael Ek - Director of Joint Numerical Testbed, NCAR/RAL (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
5:30 pm | Adjourn
July 28, 2023
8:00 pm | Registration
9:00 am | Welcome and Kickoff
MC | Aaron Jones - EPIC Community Engagement Product Owner, EPIC/Raytheon (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
9:15 am | Updates & Challenges of UFS Applications: S2S/GEFS/SFS
Description | This session will highlight updates on the Subseasonal to Seasonal Weather Application, Global Ensemble Forecast System, and Seasonal Forecast System. Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present their research on their respective subject.
Speakers | Updates & Challenges of UFS Applications: S2S/GEFS/SFS
Philip Pegion - Impact of Stochastic Physics in Coupled Simulations of the UFS and CESM (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Neil Barton - Diagnosing Sea Ice in the Unified Forecast System (UFS) (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Yan Xue - NOAA’s Seasonal Forecast System (SFS) Development Plan and Project Management (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Bing Fu - The Development of Coupled GEFS: Status and Challenges (presentation slides: PDF)
Shan Sun - Examining the Sensitivity of SST to Ocean Initial Conditions in Seasonal Forecasts (presentation slides: PDF)
10:30 am | Coffee Break / Live Demo Running the UFS SRW Application in the Cloud
Description | Participants can watch a live demonstration of running the UFS SRW Application in the cloud.
Speakers | Dr. Natalie Perlin - EPIC Sr Systems Engineer, Redline Performance Solutions, LLC (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
11:00 am | Making the Unified Forecast System Cool
Description | The community will discuss strategies for entry into the UFS and how to draw in the next generation and the existing community. Current students will discuss their findings.
Speakers | Making the Unified Forecast System Cool
Christian Barreto-Schuler - Investigating the Radiative Impact of Saharan Dust Aerosols on Medium-Range Forecasts for African Easterly Waves in the Unified Forecast System (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Laura Dailey - Developing Guidelines for Measuring, Defining, and Fostering Innovations in Earth Prediction Systems at NOAA's Weather Program Office (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Alekya Srinivasan - Representation Matters: Insights, Strategies, and Perspectives from the Inaugural UFS/EPIC Student Ambassador (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
12:00 pm | Debrief: Findings, Recommendations & Closing Statements
Description | For our final session, representatives from EPIC, the UFS, and UFS-R2O will come together for a look back at our key findings and takeaways from the workshop. (presentation slides: PPT | PDF)
Speakers |
Christopher Domanti - EPIC Contract Program Manager, Raytheon
Kevin Garrett - Modeling Program Director, NOAA/NWS/OSTI
Dr. Maoyi Huang - EPIC Program Manager, NOAA/OAR/WPO
Dr. Neil Jacobs - Chief Science Advisor for the Unified Forecast System (UFS), UCAR
Dr. Hendrik Tolman - Senior Advisor for Advanced Modeling Systems, NOAA/NWS/OSTI
12:30 pm | Adjourn
Schedule subject to updates. Additional information will be added as we plan each session.
All times are in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
Training 1 | Contributing to UFS/EPIC GitHub Repositories
Monday, July 24, 2023
8:00 am – 12:00 pm MDT
Does the process of getting started with the Unified Forecast System (UFS) seem daunting? For many new members of the UFS community, the learning curve can feel steep. This training session will be an introductory session on GitHub and community modeling. We will walk you through small use cases to check out code, run it, and commit an innovation. This training will give you an in-depth understanding of what it takes to be a part of the community and contribute your great ideas to advance UFS weather modeling.Objective | Community members will learn to contribute to the UFS weather model and applications. We will show you how easy it is to start building, running, innovating, and contributing to the repositories in a small or large way.
Location | Room 3131
Instructor | David Huber – EPIC Sr Systems Engineer & Application Development Team Product Owner, Redline Performance Solutions, LLC
Hosted via Google Meet. Limited to 30 in-person attendees.Outcomes and Value:
The workshop on “Contributing to UFS/EPIC GitHub repositories” was the most attended event to date, attracting 64 participants. Given the positive reception, we plan to create a consolidated 1-hour tutorial encompassing the material provided in this workshop. This was an excellent introductory workshop for users to learn how to contribute to the UFS. A common question we receive concerns the unclear path from running the model to contributing one’s innovation. This workshop, along with the future tutorial, will meet the community’s needs and clarify how an idea becomes part of the system.Training 2 | Running UFS Land Data Assimilation (DA) System v1.1.0 in the Cloud
Monday, July 24, 2023
8:00 am – 12:00 pm MDT
Participants can expect a walk-through of the system and a demo of how to run public release v1.1.0, which includes updates currently available at the head of the UFS land-DA_workflow development branch. In the Land DA System, the Noah-MP land surface model (LSM) and the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) software stack are used to assimilate snow depth data via the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter-Optimal Interpolation (LETKF-OI) algorithm. This training will show community members how to log into a HeadNode via a cloud service provider, run the Land DA System in the cloud, and evaluate output. Community members will walk away with source code to be able to replicate this on their own after the event as well. Learn more about Land DA here.Objective | In this training session, participants will learn how to use Land DA.
Location | Room 2126
Instructors |
Dr. Natalie Perlin – EPIC Sr Systems Engineer, Redline Performance Solutions, LLC
Jong Kim – EPIC Code Management Team Product Owner
Hosted via Google Meet. Limited to 30 in-person attendees.Outcome and Value:
The workshop “Running UFS Land Data Assimilation (DA) System v1.1.0 in the cloud” had 33 registered developers participating. This event incorporated substantial feedback from previous ones, ensuring participants left with all the necessary code to reproduce their work post-training. The training that LandDA provides is an efficient way for users to run an end-to-end system in a very short time. The entire application, for instance, takes less than 5 minutes to run a small experiment, thus allowing members of the UFS community to start small and progressively build toward more compute-intensive applications. The workshop also covered various containerization approaches, enabling users to download JEDI, libraries, and source code as a single container rather than building each from scratch, saving hours of build time.Training 3 | Detecting Deforestation and Forest Degradation | Post Workshop Q&A
Monday, July 24, 2023
1:00 pm – 6:00 pm MDT | Workshop – Detecting Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Description | The Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer an immersive, two-part cloud technology training hosted by AWS representatives. This training will enable participants to visualize and detect changes in geospatial images using the Sentinel-2 dataset from the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI). The two sessions, entitled “SageMaker Notebook for Advanced Visualizations” and “Build Web Application with AWS Services,” will provide hands-on training with Amazon SageMaker, AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), AWS Cloud9, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon API Gateway, and more. This training highlights EPIC’s commitment to advance the Unified Forecast System (UFS) by leveraging the power of cloud technology.
For an overview of the workshop please visit: AWS Hosted Event.
Objective | This workshop aims to bridge the gap between the scientific weather community’s expertise in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and the practical application of AWS cloud services. At the end of the workshop, scientists, researchers, and contributors to the UFS will have a practical understanding of many useful AWS functionalities. By integrating their NWP expertise with AWS cloud technology, participants will be poised to enhance their contributions to the UFS significantly, fostering advancements in numerical weather forecasting capabilities.
Location | Room 3131
Instructors |
Danny Sheehan – Climate Change Solutions Architect, AWS
Maia Haile – Solutions Architect, AWS
John Dwyer – Solutions Architect, AWS
Limited to 30 in-person attendees. Hosted via Google Meet for hybrid and virtual attendees.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
1:00 pm – 3:15 pm MDT | Post-Workshop Q&A – Detecting Deforestation and Forest Degradation
Description | This Q&A session will be facilitated by our AWS representatives. The session will provide an opportunity for participants to clarify doubts and seek personalized assistance regarding the application of AWS technology to NWP. This face-to-face interaction is designed to supplement participants’ learning from the workshop, address any challenges encountered, and provide further insights into AWS functionalities and their role in enhancing the UFS.
Objective | The primary objective of this open session is to reinforce the knowledge acquired from the AWS workshop, enabling a smoother transition of theoretical understanding to practical application. Through personalized assistance, we aim to ensure that participants fully grasp the AWS concepts, empowering them to successfully integrate these tools within their scientific contributions to NWP technology.
Location | Room 3131
Instructors |
Danny Sheehan – Climate Change Solutions Architect, AWS
Maia Haile – Solutions Architect, AWS
John Dwyer – Solutions Architect, AWS
Limited to 30 in-person attendees. Hosted via Google Meet for hybrid and virtual attendees.
Training 4 | Running the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application v2.1.0 Containers in Azure with Post-Workshop Q&A
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
8:30 am – 12:00 pm MDT | Workshop – Running the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application v2.1.0 Containers in Azure
Description | The Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) is teaming up with Microsoft Azure to present an engaging workshop in cloud technology. This training is designed to enable participants to understand and apply the process of running the containerized Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application (App) v2.1.0 in the Azure cloud environment. Facilitated by Azure experts, this workshop will provide a thorough guide to deploying and managing containers using Azure Container Instances. We will also be learning about AZ-Hop, which is Azure’s HPC on-demand platform where users can easily set up the infrastructure to run Unified Forecast System (UFS) applications. This aligns with EPIC’s goal to expand the UFS by harnessing the potential of diverse cloud technologies.
Objective | This workshop is designed to connect the scientific weather community’s proficiency in SRW prediction with the practical application of Azure cloud services. Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of several Azure services and how to apply them to the SRW App. The integration of their SRW expertise with Azure cloud technology will position them to significantly augment their contributions to the UFS, ensuring improvements in SRW prediction capabilities.
Limited to 30 in-person attendees. Hosted via Google Meet for hybrid and virtual attendees.
Location | Room 3131
Instructors |
Charles Peri – Principal Technical Program Manager, Microsoft
Salar Adili – Sr Azure Solutions Specialist, Microsoft
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
1:00 pm – 3:15 pm MDT | Post-Workshop Q&A – Running the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application v2.1.0 Containers in Azure
Description | This Q&A session will be facilitated by our Azure representatives. The session will provide an opportunity for participants to clarify doubts and seek personalized assistance regarding the application of Azure technology to SRW App v2.1.0 Containers. This face-to-face interaction is designed to supplement participants’ learning from the workshop, address any challenges encountered, and provide further insights into Azure functionalities and their role in enhancing the UFS.
Objective | The primary objective of this open session is to reinforce the knowledge acquired from the Azure workshop, enabling a smoother transition of theoretical understanding to practical application. Through personalized assistance, we aim to ensure that participants fully grasp the Azure concepts, empowering them to successfully integrate these tools within their scientific contributions to NWP technology.
Location | Room 3131
Instructors |
Charles Peri – Principal Technical Program Manager, Microsoft
Salar Adili – Sr Azure Solutions Specialist, Microsoft
Limited to 30 in-person attendees. Hosted via Google Meet for hybrid and virtual attendees.
Abstract Details
UFS Application | Short Range Weather (SRW) Application and Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS)
This session will highlight the scientific updates, achievements, and challenges of the UFS SRW Application, including research, development, testing, and evaluation of the 3D Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis System (3DRTMA) and Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS).
UFS Application | Medium Range Weather (MRW) and Sub seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Applications
This session will feature cutting-edge research toward scientific updates, development, testing, and evaluation of the next-generation Global Forecast System (GFS) for medium-range weather out to 16 days and the Global Ensemble Forecast system (GEFS) for sub-seasonal ensemble forecasts out to 45 days based on the global coupled UFS MRW and S2S Applications.
UFS Application | Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)
This session will feature cutting-edge research towards scientific updates, development, testing, and evaluation of the next-generation Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS).
Cross-Cutting #1 | Physics, Land, Verification & Validation
In this session featuring cross-cutting components of the UFS, presentations will feature cutting-edge research on topics such as scale-aware physics, land physics, verification, and validation, which impact multiple applications.
Cross-Cutting #2 | System Architecture
In this session featuring cross-cutting components of the UFS, presentations will feature cutting-edge research on system architecture-related topics that impact multiple applications.
Cross-Cutting #3 | Dynamics and Nesting
In this session featuring cross-cutting components of the UFS, presentations will feature cutting-edge research on topics such as dynamics and nesting, which impact multiple applications.
Emerging Applications | Coastal, Marine, Space Weather, and Air Quality
With an eye towards the future, this session will feature presentations about cutting-edge research towards the development, testing, and evaluation of upcoming UFS applications, including but not limited to, coastal, marine, space weather, and air quality.
Emerging Technologies | AI & Cloud Computing
This session will feature presentations from science community members on emerging technologies in artificial intelligence and cloud computing.
Poster Session
Share your research, use case, or innovation with other community members during our poster session and networking mixer! Abstract submissions to the poster session are encouraged.
Important Dates for UIFCW 2023
February 2023
- Registration Opens
March 2023
- Workshop Agenda Announced
- Call for Abstracts and Abstract Submission Opens
May 2023
- 31st: Abstract Submission Closes
June 2023
- 23rd: Last Day to Book a Room via the Hampton Inn & Suites Room Block
July 2023
- 5th: In-person Registration Closes
- 21st: Lunch Meal Payment Closes
- 24th – 28th: UIFCW 2023
Workshop Schedule
Schedule subject to updates. Additional information will be added as we plan each session
All times Eastern
Abstract Details
This session will highlight the scientific achievements of the Unified Forecast System (UFS) Short-Range Weather Application including research, development, testing, and evaluation of the 3D Real Time Mesoscale Analysis system (3DRTMA) and Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS).
This session will feature cutting-edge research toward the development, testing, and evaluation of the next generation Global Forecast System (GFS) for medium range weather out to 16 days and the Global Ensemble Forecast system (GEFS) for sub-seasonal ensemble forecasts out to 45 days based on the global coupled Unified Forecast System (UFS) Medium Range Weather (MRW) and Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) applications.
This session will feature cutting-edge research towards the development, testing, and evaluation of the next generation hurricane forecast system: the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS).
With an eye towards the future, this session will feature presentations about cutting-edge research towards the development, testing, and evaluation of upcoming UFS applications, including but not limited to, coastal, space weather, fire weather, and hydrology.
In this session featuring cross-cutting components of the Unified Forecast System (UFS), presentations will feature cutting-edge research that will impact multiple applications, including scale-aware physics, data assimilation, coupled data assimilation, coupling processes, and component models.
In this session featuring cross-cutting components of the Unified Forecast System, presentations will feature cutting-edge research that will impact multiple applications, including modeling architecture and infrastructure, verification and validation, and postprocessing.
We invite community members to submit abstracts that highlight their successes and challenges working with research to operations to research (R2O2R) to get their innovations into operations. Abstracts highlighting successes and challenges with research to commercialization or product application are encouraged to highlight how UFS applications have been used in your context.
Share your research, use case, or innovation with other community members during our poster session and networking mixer! Abstract submissions to the poster session are encouraged.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many people will be
attending the workshop
How many people will be attending the workshop in-person?
Due to venue limitations, attendance for in-person portions of the workshop will be limited to 200 people. Online attendance is unlimited.
What COVID precautions will be in place?
What COVID precautions will be in place?
The planning committee is taking steps to protect the health and safety of all of our participants. Here’s what we’re doing:
Monitoring community levels: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updates their community levels indicator weekly on Thursday’s at 8:00 pm ET. A member of our staff checks the community levels for College Park in Prince George’s County, MD every Friday morning to ensure the COVID community level remains LOW. Here’s our plan if the community levels change:
- MEDIUM: If the community level in Prince George’s County, MD changes to MEDIUM community transmission within two weeks of the workshop, the planning committee will take the following steps:
- Require that all attendees wear masks that comply with CDC guidelines (here)
- Require that all attendees show proof of vaccination OR provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within three days of attending the workshop.
- All of the health information that you provide to us will follow health data management best practices.
- Limit in-person registration to 100 attendees to allow for social distancing.
- HIGH: If the community level in Prince George’s County, MD changes to HIGH community transmission within two weeks of the workshop, the planning committee will take the following steps:
- Require that all attendees wear masks that comply with CDC guidelines (here)
- Require that all attendees show proof of vaccination OR provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within three days of attending the workshop.
- All of the health information that you provide to us will follow health data management best practices.
- Limit in-person registration to 75 attendees to allow for social distancing.
- At this point, the planning committee will strongly consider moving the event to fully virtual.
Venue Information
Venue Information
- Hotel staff will be required to wear masks until December 2022. This means that everyone serving food, providing maintenance, and helping you during your stay will be masked.
- Rooms and frequently touched surfaces are cleaned daily.
- The main workshop room does not have windows.
- Based on the number of people who attend the workshop, there will be 6-7 people seated at each table.
- Booking for Holiday in College Park: Group rate is $119/night plus 13% taxes and includes 1 voucher for a hot breakfast buffet.
Raytheon NOAA Program Room Block